Wednesday, August 29, 2012

CentOS / RHEL: Disable or Enable SELinux Policy Modules

ow do I disable or enable SELinux policy modules under Red Hat Enterprise Linux running on Dell hardware?

You need to use the semodule command. This command is used to manage SELinux policy modules, including installing, upgrading, listing, disabling and removing modules.

Task: See currently installed modules

Type the following command as the root user:

semodule –l
semodule -l | more
semodule | less

Sample outputs:

abrt    1.2.0
accountsd       1.0.0
ada     1.4.0
afs     1.5.3
aiccu   1.0.0
aide    1.5.0
aisexec 1.0.0
amanda  1.12.0
amavis  1.10.3
amtu    1.2.0
apache  2.1.2
apcupsd 1.6.1
arpwatch        1.8.1
asterisk        1.7.1
audioentropy    1.6.0
automount       1.12.1
avahi   1.11.2
awstats 1.2.0
bind    1.10.2
bitlbee 1.2.1
bluetooth       3.2.2
 Output truncated
uuidd   1.0.0
varnishd        1.1.0
vdagent 1.0.0
vhostmd 1.0.0
virt    1.4.0
vmware  2.2.0
vpn     1.12.0
w3c     1.0.0
wdmd    1.0.0
webadm  1.1.0
webalizer       1.10.0
wine    1.6.1
xen     1.9.2
xfs     1.6.0
xguest  1.0.1
zabbix  1.2.0
zarafa  1.0.0
zebra   1.10.1
zosremote       1.1.0

Task: SELinux disable module

To disable existing module, type:

 semodule -d MODULE_NAME_HERE


 semodule --disable=MODULE_NAME_HERE

To disable module called webalizer, enter:

# semodule -v -d webalizer

To verify new settings, enter:

# semodule -l | grep webalizer

Sample outputs:

[root@rhel6 ~]# semodule -v -d webalizer
Attempting to disable module 'webalizer':
Ok: return value of 0.
Committing changes:
Ok: transaction number 0.
[root@rhel6 ~]# semodule -l | grep webalizer
webalizer       1.10.0  Disabled

Task: SELinux enable module

To enable existing module, type:

 semodule -e MODULE_NAME_HERE 


# semodule --enable=MODULE_NAME_HERE

To enable module called webalizer, enter:

# semodule -v -e webalizer

Sample outputs:

Attempting to enable module 'webalizer':
Ok: return value of 0.
Committing changes:
Ok: transaction number 0.


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